The Vietnam Swans love Australian Rules football and we play all over Vietnam. We also represent Vietnam in AFL Asia’s league of 18 teams.

Our priorities include:

  • Playing and growing Australian Rules Football in Vietnam
  • Introducing Vietnamese locals to ‘our great game’
  • Strengthening Australian ties in Vietnam, while encouraging people of all backgrounds to participate
  • Supporting and improving the community we live in
  • Travelling to play football games throughout the region
  • On field success – winning matches & tournaments



In addition to weekly training, highlights of our year include the annual ANZAC Friendship Match in Vung Tau, hosting official AFL Grand Final Parties, home fixtures in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, and travelling around the Asian region for games and tournaments including the Indochina Cup and the Asian Championships.

latest articles

The 2024 ANZAC Friendship Matches Footy Record

  RECORD! GET YOUR RECORD! With the annual ANZAC Friendship Weekend matches upon on us, read up on all the latest info regarding the day's schedule, post-match event, words from the president and of course the coveted …


As we come into the  ANZAC Friendship Weekend the heat in Vietnam is getting up into the mid thirties and will ensure that all teams are out through their paces! Our players have put in …


ICC TOURNAMENT INFO & REMINDERS WHAT: ICC (Indochina Cup) is an AFL tournament between ourselves, Cambodia and Thailand. There will be both a men's and women's tournament. Check out this PDF for the exact format of the …

Vietnam Swans VS Malaysia Warriors POST MATCH

A massive season opener for both teams going back and forth for the best part of three quarters. Until finally in the fourth the Swans on home soil took control and our young guns stood …

ANZAC Day 2024!

HONKKK- The Swannies are back in action, hosting the annual ANZAC tourney, being held at RMIT University in District 7.  Last year's ANZAC Day welcomed Singapore on home soil, where the ladies pulled a huge W …

Vietnam Swans Bring a Friend Day (Hanoi)

Ever wanted to try a new sport? Or maybe just some extra fitness during the week? Come try Australian Football or AFL with the Vietnam Swans in Hanoi! On Wednesday, April 10th, at 7pm, we will …